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When to Plant Sweet Potato Vines

Small shoots develop from the eyes in the sweet potato.
Small shoots develop from the eyes in the sweet potato.
Sweet potato vines are grown both for beauty, in ornamental varieties, and the edible tubers, which are tastier in green leaved varieties. In some warm, tropical regions, sweet potato vines may remain outdoors year-round, but in other regions it may be necessary to grow the vines as house plants during cooler months. Knowing when to plant sweet potato vines in the garden is essential if you want to grow this plant outdoors.


  1. New sweet potato vines are grown from small pieces of existing sweet potato vines. The underground tubers that grow on the vine, the potatoes themselves, will begin to sprout small vines or "slips." The slips grow from the eyes that develop on the tubers, and appear on the potatoes even after they have been harvested and stored.
  2. Indoor Growing

  3. Prepare to plant a sweet potato vine in late March or early April. Place a whole sweet potato in a large glass or bowl of water; anything large enough to hold the entire tuber. The top third of the potato should be left exposed; use toothpicks or thin dowels to hold it in place above the container of water. The pointier end of the tuber should be pointed downward, toward the bottom of the container. Stems will begin to sprout on the tuber as long as its kept in a sunny location. Add water as necessary to keep it at a consistent level. The vines that begin to grow from the sweet potato may be used to create new vines outdoors.
  4. Outdoor Growing

  5. The slips will be ready to be transplanted outdoors when the soil is consistently warm, usually in late May. Plant the vines approximately 2 inches deep into the soil, placing each one 1 foot apart. When small green shoots begin to emerge, cover the tubers with another inch of soil. The soil must stay moist but not wet during the growing season -- damp to the touch, but not so wet that standing water develops on the soil. Place black plastic mulch around vines to present weeds and preserve moisture in the soil during summer, when tubers are developing underground. After six weeks or so, the plants should be 6 to 8 inches tall. When the vines are at least 6 inches long, tubers are ready to be dug up and harvested.
  6. Growing Requirements

  7. Sweet potatoes must be planted in well-drained, loose soil. To grow more vines on a single plant, cut the vines back to the bud joint to encourage new, branching growth. Sweet potato vines must be grown in full sunlight or light shade. When grown outside U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 9 through 11, sweet potatoes must be re-planted annually. Dig roots up before the ground freezes and store tubers to be re-planted in the spring. Within warm-weather zones, sweet potato vines may be left in the ground so they may grow again on their own.

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