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GULLIVER'S TRAVELS (free movie download)

R E V I E W [English]

Lemuel Gulliver (Jack Black) is a braggart. Although usually tell the story of a lie that he did not lead to anything but this time the big mouth Gulliver would drag this man into a very big problem. I do not know whether Gulliver is ready to accept the consequences of bualannya or not.

Gulliver worked in a newspaper published in New York as an official introduction to the document. One time Gulliver boasted that he was actually a writer. Unfortunately, this boasting Gulliver trusted and given the task to make the report a trip to a foreign area located in the Bermuda triangle. With a relaxed Gulliver accept this job in the hope of enticing Darcy Silverman (Amanda Peet), the travel editor who assigned him to it.

Unfortunately, this trip even take Gulliver into a country inhabited by the little man. Obviously the place to be a giant Gulliver. Although you have to feel alone because of the big mouth but Gulliver apparently not learned his lesson. Once again he boasted on the ruler in a land of dwarves, and this time the results were beyond expectations. Gulliver even nearly destroyed the country and now he must accept the consequences of his actions.

One more movie made based on the classic tale. If some other films that try to reinterpret the classic story of arguably successful, this one seems to fail miserably. On paper Gulliver's Travels is actually quite promising. How not, the original story itself clearly was familiar to the audience and is the duty of the director and script writers to reinterpret the classic story that is more relevant for current conditions.

In fact, the film itself was not offering too much. At the very least, the script did seem mediocre. If you feel satisfied with the reinterpretation of Sherlock Holmes Guy Ritchie then do not be disappointed if this one was not comparable to a movie starring Robert Downey Jr's.

Even the actors and actresses which is actually a Hollywood big names seemed to have little to raise prestige of this movie. Jack Black, as always, act silly, but in the end as a whole this film is hardly too entertaining. Darling was considering a lot of big names including Emily Blunt and Amanda Peet is installed as an actor in this film.

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