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free management and training templates, resources and tools

free templates, samples, resources, examples, articles, tools and diagrams, tests and quizzes - free materials for download - for training, human resources, management theory, sales, business, personal and organizational developmentThese free templates, examples, samples, diagrams, tools and articles help the process of management and development of people, organizations, sales and business.

Some of the tools and materials are based on traditional well-used methods; others are newer.

These free resources are available for you to download and use for your own personal development or organization, and to teach or train others, provided you don't sell or publish them, and that you show the relevant copyright and source.
The free tools and other training resources also include diagrams of management and motivational theories, designed to aid understanding, training and presentations.

Resources on this page are mostly PDF format. Several are also available in MSWord/doc, Excel/xls or Powerpoint/pps format.

If you are unable to open MSOffice files (word/doc, excel/xls, powerpoint/pps, etc) try OpenOffice.Org free 'open source' software - it opens many MSOffice files, although not x formats (eg, docx), and sometimes requires boxes to be reformatted.

Please read the notice and disclaimer below - we assume no responsibility for any liability arising from the use of these materials.

free resources and tools

free theory and process and model diagrams - pdf format

The Psychological Contract 'Iceberg' Diagram - pdf
Spanish Version of John Fisher's Process of Transition diagram - pdf - (with thanks to Marcelo Rivadeneira for the translation) - refer to Process of Transition explanation
French version of John Fisher's Process of Transition diagram - pdf - (with thanks to the Canadian International Development Agency for the translation) - refer to Process of Transition explanation
PEST Analysis Blank Template Worksheet - with criteria examples - pdf
Tuckman 'forming storming' diagram - pdf
Stopping Smoking - Personal Change Curve Diagram - based on Fisher's Personal Transition Curve - pdf - (Ack Gloria May)
SWOT Analysis Blank Template Worksheet - with criteria examples - pdf
Actual Total Cost diagram - pdf (Ack C Barrat) - see section on purchasing management and buying strategy
Porter's Five Forces of Competitive Position diagram - pdf
People Performance Potential Model - pdf matrix diagram (Ack J Addy) - see explanatory webpage
Herzberg's Motivators and Hygiene Factors diagram - rocket and launch pad analogy
Herzberg's Motivators and Hygiene Factors graph diagram
Ingam and Luft Johari Window model diagram (landscape) - adapted and developed diagram for personal and inter-personal development
Ingam and Luft Johari Window model diagram (portrait) - adapted and developed diagram for personal and inter-personal development
John Fisher's Process of Transition diagram updated 2003 version - see original below and notes.
J Fisher's Process of Transition diagram original 2000 version - the stages of personal change (ack John Fisher). See notes also.
J. Stacey Adams Equity Theory diagram
Douglas McGregor XY Theory diagram
Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs Diagram - original 1950's five-level model
Hierarchy of Needs Diagram - adapted 1970's seven-level model
Hierarchy of Needs Diagram - adapted 1990's eight-level model
Kolb's Learning Styles Diagram (mono) - updated May 2006
Kolb's Learning Styles Diagram (colour) - (May 2006)
Training Process Diagram
Personal Review Flow Diagram - courtesy Manchester University RSD.

free management, training and sales development tools/processes/materials - pdf format

Five Ways to Wellbeing (pdf) - Here is a brief summary of this impressive and useful study report produced by the UKs New Economics Foundation in 2011. Here is NEF's own executive summary introduction for the report and related study: "In 2008 The New Economics Foundation (NEF) was commissioned by the UK Government's Foresight Project on Mental Capital and Well-being to review the inter-disciplinary work of over 400 scientists from across the world. The aim was to identify a set of evidence-based actions to improve well-being, which individuals would be encouraged to build into their daily lives. As an illustration of how Government action [and by implication employers too] can be explicitly directed towards improving well-being, the report briefly sets out the five evidence-based ways to well-being and the sorts of policy interventions which could help to enable them.." (Acknowledgments to the The New Economics Foundation. The report is copyright The New Economics Foundation and available for sharing under the Creative Commons licence. NEF's explanation of these terms is that you may quote, copy and share the Five Ways to Wellbeing summary and publication, provided you attribute it to NEF and do not use it for commerical purposes. For further clarification contact NEF.)
2010 CACI ACORN UK Demographics Profile and User Guide - containing very extensive and detailed UK consumer demographics and percentages information. This 92 page document is the most recent and comprehensive edition, as at October 2010, when it was first published. This is a big pdf file (6.7MB). It supersedes the 2004 ACORN UK Demographics Profile and User Guide, which remains available here for historical reference purposes.
2010 ACORN UK Demographics Profile Summary - UK population social/lifestyle classifications statistics and percentages. This and the above excellent ACORN UK demographics resources are offered free here with permission from CACI, which is gratefully acknowledged.
Excellent free E-Book: Business Survival and Prosperity Guaranteed - A very helpful, practical and encouraging guide to starting up a new business, or improving an existing one - note this is a 15MB pdf file - with grateful acknowledgements to Paul Hurst - (30 Mar 2010)
Colour Version of Reflective Diary Process/Template Tool - thanks J Watts for design - (Feb 2010)
Qualifications Comparisons (2009 UK) - useful guide from QAA (The Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education - check with QAA website after 2009 for any revisions)
Superb Free E-Book: The Game of Business by Paul Gorman - wonderful practical guide to business success from a leading business thinker - with grateful acknowledgements to Paul Gorman - (2 Nov 2007)
Personality Perceptions Matrix - Four Temperaments/DISC format - now in pdf format - (7 Sep 2007)
New Reflective Diary Template - Sharon Drew Morgen edition (pdf) - with acknowledgements to Ms Morgen - (9 Aug 2007)
Reflective Diary Tool - original businessballs edition (pdf)
Peter Drucker Biography and Theory Summary - thanks to Mike Warren of Grey Matter - (12 Apr 2007)
MBTI Function Dominance diagram in Powerpoint pdf format - with thanks to Simon Pusey - (7 Nov 2006)
Monthly Sales Report Template (pdf) - also available as a working MSExcel/xls tool below. Same principle applies for weekly sales reporting.
Profit and Loss Account (P&L) Small Enterprise Business Plan Example (pdf) - also available as a working MSExcel/xls tool below. The numbers could be anything: ten times less, ten times more, a hundred times more - the principle is the same.
Free CV Template and Guidance Notes - pdf format
Free CV Template (text-box style) and Guidance Notes - pdf format
Unleash the Power of Consultative Selling - excellent free 200 page e-book (560KB pdf) by Rich Grehalva on modern selling methods - this superb ebook has been kindly offered free to businessballs visitors by selling expert Rich Grehalva. Your feedback on this ebook would be appreciated, which you can send direct to Rich or to me.
Free motivational, inspirational, safety and funny posters
Free CACI ACORN 2004-5 UK Demographics Profiles and User Guide - 104 page document (NB large pdf file - 8.5MB) containing detailed UK demographics and percentages for 2004-05. Please note this is a big file. This resource is free from the Businessballs website with permission from CACI. It remains available here mainly for historical reference purposes because the 2004 ACORN report has now been superseded by the 2010 CACI ACORN UK Demographics Profile and User Guide, a 92 page document and most recent and comprehensive edition, as at October 2010, when it was first published. Please note this is also a big pdf file (6.7MB).
Activity Management and Reporting Template Tool (pdf) - MSExcel/xls version below in working files section
Awaken The Leader In You - ten wonderful principles of modern leadership, by author Sharif Khan
Sales Success Factors Research Report - the five key factors for successful selling, courtesy Trainique Ltd (see the summary report page, and the remarkable Sales Activator® sales training games and development system)
Three Sample Chapters from Sharon Drew Morgen's new ground-breaking sales book 'Buying Facilitation®'
Sales Funnel Model - sales planning tool
Sales Development Model - flow diagram, esp. useful for business-to-business sales, sales management and strategic planning
Customers/prospects priority investment and development matrix - effective tool for sales planning
Delegation SMART task template - management template, esp. for MBO's (management by objectives)
Example Induction Training Guide - courtesy MU RSD
Example Induction Checklist - courtesy MU RSD
Training Planner template - simple training planning template - simple and effective
Example Induction Training Planning template - courtesy MU RSD
Training elements/exercise review template - skills analysis and training assessment tool - for groups or trainers
Free 'Prisoner's Dilemma' Win-Win game - game and scorecard to demonstrate team-working and co-operation benefits
Project Management Tips - (pdf format) free project management training materials - (ack Ron Rosenhead, The Project Agency)
Project Management Templates - (pdf format) free templates for project management - (ack Ron Rosenhead, The Project Agency)

free human resources and training tools - pdf format

emotional intelligence (EQ) information

The Emotional Competence Framework - a generic Emotional Intelligence (EQ) competence framework produced by Daniel Goleman and the Consortium for Research on Emotional Intelligence covering in summary:
  • personal competence - self-awareness, self-regulation, self-motivation
  • social competence - social awareness, social skills
'Emotional Intelligence: what is it and why it matters'. An excellent information paper by Dr Cary Cherniss originally presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, in New Orleans, April 2000. This is a detailed history and explanation of Emotional Intelligence.
The Business Case for Emotional Intelligence - a paper by Dr Cary Cherniss featuring 19 referenced business and organizational case studies demonstrating how emotional intelligence contributes to corporate profit performance. The paper is an excellent tool which trainers, HR professionals and visionaries can use to help justify focus, development, assessment, etc., of EQ in organizations.
Guidelines for Promoting Emotional Intelligence in the Workplace - a paper chiefly constructed by Dr Cary Cherniss and Daniel Goleman featuring 22 guidelines which represent the best current knowledge relating to the promotion of EQ in the workplace.
The above excellent free Emotional Intelligence materials in pdf file format (Acrobat Reader required to view) are provided with permission of Daniel Goleman on behalf of the Consortium for Research on Emotional Intelligence, which is gratefully acknowledged.

team briefing examples and templates

Manchester University's Internal Communications Division has developed an excellent guide and range of Team Briefing materials. I am grateful for their permission to feature them here:
Team Briefing Guidelines and Templates - with thanks to The University of Manchester.
The above new Manchester Univesity guidelines are a revision of their previous materials, which remain available here below as examples. The development of the Manchester Univrsity system provides excellent examples of how to operate the Team Briefing system, and also demonstrates the way in which a Team Briefing system can be updated and improved when in place.
Previous MU materials, which you might find useful still:
Example Team Briefing User Guide - courtesy Manchester University
Example Team Briefing Core Brief Template - courtesy MU
Example Team Briefing Local Brief Template - courtesy MU
Example Team Briefing Local Brief Questions Preparation Template - courtesy MU
Example Team Briefing Feedback Form Template - courtesy MU
Example Team Briefing Attendance Record Template - courtesy MU

dispute and grievance guides - UK disputes resolutions law effective 2004

Discipline and Grievance DTI Guidance for Small Firms - (pdf) (Note this is © Crown Copyright, Source DTI)
Guidance on the Employment Act 2002 (Dispute Resolution) Regulations 2004 (pdf) and associated provisions in the Employment Act 2002. Full comprehensive DTI dispute resolution regulations guide. (Note this is © Crown Copyright, Source DTI)
Employee guide to grievance procedures including examples of grievance letters templates, samples. DTI guide. (Note this is © Crown Copyright, Source DTI)

skills/competencies audits, assessments and feedback forms/templates, training certificates templates

Lesson/Training Planner
Free pdf sample training certificate template.
Free MSWORD (doc file) file training certificate template for you to adapt.
Behavioural Change Assessment Tool - for before and after training, by WL Rae - (completed example here) - (and Arabic translation 'three-test' version - pdf file - thanks F Tarek)
Training Programme Evaluation Toolkit - a pdf, author WL Rae - see also his Training Evaluation Process Guide
Management Skills Assessment tool - (updated Aug 2006) quick easy skills-audit tool pdf - see the instructions for use and capability scoring guide - working version in MSExcel/xls in working files section below
Management Training Needs Analysis example - (updated Aug 2006) pdf - see the instructions for use and capability scoring guide - working version in MSExcel/xls in working files section below
Performance Appraisal Form - modern performance appraisal form including self-assessment section (revised August 2006)
Personal Review Form Example - courtesy Manchester University RSD
Time management survey form - pre-training questionnaire
Time management time-log form template - time-management training or personal development tool
Time management activity scheduler template - easy and effective time management weekly task scheduler template
Quick training feedback form template
Medium training feedback form template
Line-manager training feedback form template
Skill-set and behaviour-set assessment template - sales/management/commercial role - (updated Aug 2006) - instructions for use - working version in MSExcel/xls in working files section below
Training Needs Analysis (TNA) template - sales/management/commercial role - (updated Aug 2006) - instructions for use - working version in MSExcel/xls in working files section below
Presentation skills assessment template - for presentation skills review and assessment
Example Induction Training Feedback Form (1 mth) - courtesy MU RSD
Example Induction Training Feedback Form (3 mth) - courtesy MU RSD
Skill-set and behaviour-set assessment template - basic commercial junior role - instructions for use
Training Needs Analysis Sample - general work competencies (updated Aug 2006)

free tests and indicators (skill/behaviour/personality) and fun quizzes - pdf format

Multiple Intelligences Test - for Adults - based on Howard Gardner's model - manual version - pdf
Multiple Intelligences Test - for Young People - based on Howard Gardner's model - manual version - pdf
Multiple Intelligences Descriptions and Quick De-coder Guide - based on Howard Gardner's model - pdf format
VAK Learning Styles Free Questionnaire Self-Test - pdf format
Mental Concentration Test (pdf file) - mostly for fun - good for illustrating the need to read test questions before attempting answers
Quick Trivia Quiz in MSWORD (doc file), with questions and answers sheets - if you need a warm-up quiz quickly, here's one we made earlier, (featuring questions from the trivia quiz and puzzles page)
'BLISS' Career Planning and Job Choice Validation Tool - (Ack. Pranav Wadnerkar)
Big Boys Toys Table Quiz - (Ack. John Hespe)
Mental Agility Test - (Ack. Graeme Hall)
Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs 5-level quick test - based on Maslow's original 5 stage model
Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs 8-level quick test - based on the adapted 8 stage model
McGregor XY Theory indicator - for individuals and organisations
same McGregor XY Theory indicator - two-page version with clearer layout and scoring
Graphology test template - handwriting personality indicator and self-test/introduction
Personal profile indicator template - ideal for interviews, appraisals or personal reflection

The above free online resources are available to view and download as pdf files.
If you cannot open pdf files download Acrobat reader free.

free working files - msword/doc and excel/xls format free downloads

Here are free MSWord/doc, MSExcel/xls or MSPowerpoint/ppt working files of many of the above pdf diagrams, templates and tools etc. These materials are free to view, download, adapt and use, provided copyright, source, and disclaimer are retained. The materials are not to be sold or published, and are not to be made available on any other website.
If you are unable to open MSOffice files (word/doc, excel/xls, powerpoint/ppt, etc) try OpenOffice.Org free 'open source' software - it opens most MSOffice files, except for more recent x versions (eg, docx), and at times requires boxes to be reformatted.

diagrams - or powerpoint format free downloads - msword/doc, excel/xls, powerpoint/ppt

PEST Analysis Template - (doc format)
Herzberg's hygiene factors and motivators graph diagram - (ppt slide format) - 11 Aug 2008 - see notes
Tuckman 'forming storming' diagram - (doc format) - 28 May 2008
Businessballs Herzberg rocket analogy diagram - in powerpoint - see notes
John Fisher's Process of Personal Transition diagram - in powerpoint - 2003 version (ack J Fisher) - see notes
Actual Total Cost diagram - in powerpoint - for selling and buying, and understanding actual cost
Porter's Five Forces of Competitive Position diagram - MSWord/doc
Abraham Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs diagram, original five levels - MSWord/doc - and in colour
Hierarchy of Needs seven levels diagram, adapted from Maslow's original model - MSWord/doc
Hierarchy of Needs eight levels diagram, adapted from Maslow's original model - MSWord/doc
J Stacey Adams Equity Theory diagram - MSWord/doc - now in glorious living colour
Douglas Mcgregor XY-Theory diagram - MSWord/doc - and in colour
The Businessballs Herzberg space-rocket diagram - word - simple effective illustration of Herzberg's motivational theory - a picture tells a thousand words
Johari Window diagram and adapted illustration based on Ingham and Luft's concept - word - good for all sorts of training and learning - aid to understanding and using the simple and powerful Johari Window concept
David Kolb's learning styles diagram (mono) - MSWord/doc - illustration of Kolb's learning styles theory (updated May 2006)
Kolb's learning styles diagram (colour) - MSWord/doc (May 2006)
workplace posture herzberg diagram - word - explains workplace posture from herzberg theory perspective

training, teaching, personal development and training needs and competencies assessment tools - excel/xls or word/doc format free downloads

colour version of reflective diary process/template tool - MSWord/doc - thanks J Watts for design - (Feb 2010)
new reflective diary template - Sharon Drew Morgen edition - MSWord/doc - with acknowledgements to Ms Morgen - (Aug 2007)
reflective diary/journal template - MSWord/doc - original businessballs edition including process and notes
free CV template and guidance notes - MSWord/doc - single sheet format, UK A4 paper size - into which you can insert your own details - adapt it to suit your purposes
free CV template (text-box style) and guidance notes - similar format to above
free new mental concentration test - MSWord/doc - mostly for fun - also good for illustrating the need to read test questions before attempting answers
free multiple intelligences test - based on Gardner's model - in MSExcel/xls self-calculating format
free induction training checklist working tool with suggested training items - MSExcel/xls file
free VAK learning styles multiple-choice questionnaire test - MSWord/doc file - (ack V Chislett)
lesson plan/training session planner and timings calculator (also acts as training checklist template) - MSExcel/xls file - (ack N Darwent)
team-building activities evaluation form and outcomes notes, based on Kirkpatrick's Learning Evaluation Model - MSExcel/xls file
quick training evaluation and feedback form, based on Kirkpatrick's Learning Evaluation Model - MSExcel/xls file
360 degree appraisals form template - MSWord/doc
360 degree appraisals form template - MSExcel/xls
Leslie Rae's excellent before-and-after three-stage training evalution tool - MSExcel/xls - good tool for all training courses and learning experiences, also for group training effectiveness evaluation - (and Arabic translation 'three-test' version - doc file - thanks F Tarek)
set of different training evaluation forms and tools - Word - Leslie Rae's excellent set of training evaluation questionnaires - free to adapt and use
training planner tool - MSExcel/xls - simple, flexible tool for planning and designing training courses - good for train-the-trainer courses too - breaks down the training design process into achievable elements - helps you eat the elephant one bite at a time
manager skill-set assessment tool - (updated Aug 2006) - MSExcel/xls - flexible individual assessment tool - use to provide input data for group training needs analysis tool below - see the instructions for use and capability scoring guide
training needs analysis tool - manager skill-set - (updated Aug 2006) - MSExcel/xls - a simple, flexible and powerful working spreadsheet tool for training needs analysis, jobs and skills audits, and an easy way to identify, prioritise and plan group training - use in conjunction with individual assessment tool above - see the instructions for use and capability scoring guide
management skill-set assessment tool - Serbian Language version! (not such an obscure thing if you are working in Serbia....) - see the instructions for use and capability scoring guide
coaching template for skills or capability assessment - MSExcel/xls - flexible coaching review template tool
template for assessing presentations - MSExcel/xls - good for presentations training, especially to control and encourage objective and fair group feedback
assessment tool for individuals - commercial/business/sales skill-set - MSExcel/xls - flexible individual assessment tool - use to assess individual training needs and priorities, and to provide input data for group training needs analysis tool below - adapt skill elements for your job roles - see the instructions for use and capability scoring guide
training needs analysis for groups - working spreadsheet - commercial/business/sales role simple, flexible and powerful working spreadsheet tool for groups and organizational training needs analysis, job and skills audits, and for identifying training needs, priorities and plans for groups - use with above personal assessment input tool - adapt and add skill elements for your job roles - see the instructions for use and capability scoring guide

sales development tools - excel/xls or word/doc format free downloads

monthly sales report template - MSExcel/xls - adapt and develop for your own situation
sales and business strategic planning tool - MSExcel/xls - for prioritising activities and customers - good for sales and business workshops and meetings
sales and business development process flow diagram - word - simple effective method of sales and business development - simple off-the-shelf selling process (see also the sections on sales training and buying facilitation)
sales funnel planning tool - word - simple tool for sales planning, from targeted prospect base through sales conversion stages, to sales values and numbers required - excellent sales planning workshop aid, and sales management tool

personality tests and other indicators - excel/xls or word/doc format free downloads

free multiple intelligences test - adult and/or young people - based on Gardner's model - in MSExcel/xls self-calculating format
free Multiple Intelligences test - manual test in MSExcel/xls
free Multiple Intelligences test - manual test for young people in MSExcel/xls
free VAK learning styles multiple-choice questionnaire test - MSWord/doc file - simple quick free assessment of personal VAK learning style
leadership and motivation assessment tool - word - are you a truly motivational leader? - a modern leadership self-test provided by leadership writer Blair Palmer
motivation indicator simple test - MSExcel/xls - flexible individual motivation assessment tool, loosely based on Herzberg motivators and hygiene factors - good workshop tool
personality profile and motivation test - MSExcel/xls - multi-facet personality test and discussion document for reviews, appraisals, and career direction dicusssions
graphology (handwriting anlysis) self-test - (doc file) - good for workshops, meetings and personality profiling awareness and training
management style test based on McGregor's XY-Theory - (doc file) - to assess individual preferred management style, and actual organizational management style
same free XY Theory test tool - two-page version with clearer layout and scoring - (doc version)

management tools - excel (xls) or word (doc) format free downloads

free profit and loss (P&L) account trading planning template tool (MSExcel/xls) for small businesses/enterprises/self-employment business plans, accounts and forecasting - adapt for your own purposes
free SWOT analysis template worksheet version (doc file)
activity management template (MSExcel/xls file) - personal organisation and management/coaching tool
delegation template tool based on SMART technique - MSExcel/xls - simple, flexible, powerful aid for effective delegation and agreeing and following up SMART objectives
performance appraisals form - (doc file) - sophisticated modern performance appraisals form - effectively a process in its own right - including self-assessment section and the essential appraisal elements - adapt to suit your situation (revised August 2006)
Project Management Tips - (MSWord/doc format) free project management training materials
Project Management Templates - (MSWord/doc format) free templates for project management
(With thanks to Ron Rosenhead of The Project Agency for these two project management materials)

other training aids and tools - word/doc, excel/xls, powerpoint/ppt format free downloads

MBTI® function dominance diagram in powerpoint slide format - with thanks to Simon Pusey - (7 Nov 2006)
time management questionnaire - (doc file) - for time management improvement and training - use with time log below
time management activity log template - MSExcel/xls - good aid for time management training
perceptions matrix - (doc file) - fascinating illustration of how different personalities see each other, based on the 'four temperaments/DISC' personality profiling theory - great for team building and communications training - includes blank worksheet and answers
short training feedback sheet - (doc file) - simple training feedback form for end of training course or programme
training certificate template - (doc file) - ready-to-use professional training certificate template - adapt to suit your training situation
training process flow-chart diagram - (doc file) - illustration of classical training process for individuals and organizations - use as an example or as a tool to develop and train your own training processes
win-win game and score-sheet based on the prisoner's dilemma puzzle - (doc file) - good for team building, workshops, training and collaborative attitudes development

browse categories

The use of this material is free provided copyright (see below or where indicated otherwise on materials) is acknowledged and reference or link is made to the website. This material may not be sold, or published in any form. Disclaimer: Reliance on information, material, advice, or other linked or recommended resources, received from Alan Chapman, shall be at your sole risk, and Alan Chapman assumes no responsibility for any errors, omissions, or damages arising. Users of this website are encouraged to confirm information received with other sources, and to seek local qualified advice if embarking on any actions that could carry personal or organisational liabilities. Managing people and relationships are sensitive activities; the free material and advice available via this website do not provide all necessary safeguards and checks. Please retain this notice on all copies.
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Crown copyright protected material - There is a small amount of licensed protected Crown Copyright material on Businessballs (Crown Copyright applies to materials owned by the UK government and its agencies). Crown Copyright material is indicated as such where it appears in this website (for example, the quality management case studies). Here are guidelines for the use of Crown Copyright material: Other than the Royal Arms and departmental or agency logos, Crown Copyright material may be used or reproduced for learning purposes free of charge in any format or medium - unless instructions appear to the contrary - provided it is used and reproduced accurately and not in a misleading context. Publication of Crown Copyright material requires a Crown Copyright licence, which varies according to the type and source of the material. Where any of the Crown Copyright items on this website are issued or reproduced, the source of the material must be identified and the copyright status acknowledged. Full details about Crown Copyright are available from (as was) and now
© alan chapman 1995-2011

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