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Using Insecticides

Part of the video series: Types of Pesticides


Insecticides can seem like a miracle for gardeners; learn about using insecticides in this free video on pesticide application.
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By Travis Steglich, eHow Contributor Travis Steglich is the owner and operator of the Steglich Feed and Farm Supply Store. His family before him has been serving the ranchers, farmers and gardeners of central Texas more

Series Summary

Organic gardening: more than just a hobby. Today we know that many of the pesticides, fertilizers, and treatments used in commercial and home agriculture are hazardous to the environment. Whereas at one point in history it was ‘okay’ to drain all the nutrients from the soil and poison any insects living there, rendering the land dead and stagnant, and then simply move on to fresher pastures, today people are concerned with their ecological ‘footprint’ and recognizing the damage our gardening products (like weed killer and pesticides) have on the environment and human health. Cattle are often treated with hormones to produce more milk or larger muscles, and many of them are bombarded by pesticides and chemicals from the grass and feed they eat regularly. Organic gardening is part of the counter-movement, a small step in the right direction that teaches people to trust nature and the natural ways food, flowers, and herbs are produced.

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